Wow... You MAKE these?! You are sooo freakin' talented! I'm so jealous!!! ...And blown away! I checked out your website and love the kids room work you do, that's awesome!
This blog is dedicated to my canvas paintings. As you will see my palette is colorful. I think this has been influenced by the use of computers. When I complete a painting I enjoy posting it on the web. Therefore, when I think about how my painting will look I imagine how it will appear on the computer monitor. Bright colors seem to sing on the computer. I'm not sure if it is a good or a bad thing to allow the computer to influence my color palette, it just does. Like it or not computers are a very big part of life in the 21st century. We are all affected by computers in one way or another. After all, art is influenced by life and computers are a way of life!
Please enjoy viewing these very colorful paintings. If something interests you please feel free to contact me. Although most of these paintings are already sold, I can painting another in a similar fashion.
I enjoy feedback. Feel free to leave comments!
Thank you so much for visiting My Colorful Canvas!
Wow, I just stumbled upon your blog and am amazed at what I see. You've got so much talent. Love the colours you paint with.
oh how beautiful is that?....Thanks so much for coming by on my feature day yesterday...I'm so happy you did
I don't remember how I found my way here...I think the birds ate the breadcrumbs...anyway.
That is just beautiful!
I wasn't sure which of your blogs to comment on. Thanks for stopping by my blog and sharing the love!
Great painting!
your work is lovely. i am a color fanatic myself, and love your delightful palette.
WOW That is an AWESOME pic :)
Stopped by from SITS to say hi!!
Did you do this?
Wow - you truly do have a gift. I can barely draw a straight line....seriously. *chuckle*
Wow... You MAKE these?! You are sooo freakin' talented! I'm so jealous!!! ...And blown away! I checked out your website and love the kids room work you do, that's awesome!
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